This function takes a model object and generates a table in pdf or word format.
param_names = NULL,
font_size = 11,
left_align = 1,
width = NULL,
col = NULL,
ci = 0.95,
rope = c(-0.1, 0.1)
A model object
For renaming the default parameter names
The font size for the table
Columns that should be left aligned
The width in inches of the columns
The number of a specific column for width adjustments
Range of the HDCI for brms models
Range of the ROPE interval for brms models
mod <- lm(mpg ~ drat, data = mtcars)
#> \begin{table}[!h]
#> \centering\begingroup\fontsize{11}{13}\selectfont
#> \begin{tabular}{@{}lrrrrrr@{}}
#> \toprule
#> Parameter & Estimate & SE & CI low & CI high & \emph{t} & \emph{p}\\
#> \midrule
#> (Intercept) & -7.52 & 5.48 & -18.71 & 3.66 & -1.37 & .18\\
#> drat & 7.68 & 1.51 & 4.60 & 10.76 & 5.10 & < .001\\
#> \bottomrule
#> \end{tabular}
#> \endgroup{}
#> \end{table}