
I am currently in the process of setting up my research laboratory at Rutgers University. You can find more information here: My main interests are in phonetics, laboratory phonology, and second language acquisition. A principle aim of my research is to better understand the relationship between language use and sound representation in the mind, as well as the structure of sound systems in human languages. Most of my research is conducted on bilinguals of varying proficiency and linguistic experience. Feel free to explore the tabs on this page if you are interested in knowing more about my research projects.

Current projects

This ongoing project explores L2 category formation and the relationship between speech production and speech perception during the early stages of L2 acquisition. The data were/are collected in a stateside immersion program over the course of a summer. The participants complete a variety of tasks aimed at analyzing their acquisition of various L2 segments, such as: stops, trills, laterals and vowels.

This project explores a long history of ‘language set’ experiments with the goal of furthering our understanding of how bilinguals deal with the lack of invariance in the speech signal, both between and within languages. The project has implications for category formation and the development of bilingual language modes.
(with Miquel Simonet)

This project has explored the acoustic characteristics of coronal stops in Spanish and English (link), the effects of stress on VOT in the Spanish/English monolinguals and bilinguals (link), as well as acoustic evidence for language-specific places of articulation (in preparation).
(with Miquel Simonet and Yamile Díaz)


More info coming soon.
(with Miquel Simonet and Imanol Suárez Palma)

More info coming soon.

Previous Projects

You can read about this project in my 2015 article published in Phonetica, or in a co-authored 2016 article that appeared in Second Language Research.

This project was co-authored with Miquel Llompart García. You can read the final publication in JASA.

In press

Casillas, J. V. Bayesian Statistics. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.

Recent Publications

Coretta, S. and J. V. Casillas (2024). “A tutorial on generalised additive mixed effects models for bilingualism research”. In: Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, pp. 1-24. DOI: 10.1075/lab.23076.cor.

Sagarra, N., L. Fernández, C. Lozano-Argüelles, and J. V. Casillas (2024). “Unraveling the Complexities of Second Language Lexical Stress Processing: The Impact of First Language Transfer, Second Language Proficiency, and Exposure”. In: Language Learning 74.3, pp. 574-605. DOI: 10.1111/lang.12627.

Bochynska, A., L. Keeble, C. Halfacre, J. V. Casillas, I. Champagne, K. Chen, M. Röthlisberger, E. M. Buchanan, and T. B. Roettger (2023). “Reproducible research practices and transparency across Linguistics”. In: Glossa Psycholinguistics 2.1, pp. 1-36. DOI: 10.5070/G6011239.

Sagarra, N. and J. V. Casillas (2023). “Practice beats age: Co-activation shapes heritage speakers’ lexical access more than age of onset”. In: Frontiers in Psychology 14, pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1141174.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2023). “Interpreting experience and working memory effects on L1 and L2 morphological prediction”. In: Frontiers in Language Sciences 1, pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.3389/flang.2022.1065014.

Coretta, S., J. V. Casillas, S. Roessig, M. Franke, B. Ahn, A. H. Al-Hoorie, J. Al-Tamimi, N. E. Alotaibi, M. K. AlShakhori, R. M. Altmiller, et al. (2023). “Multidimensional Signals and Analytic Flexibility: Estimating Degrees of Freedom in Human-Speech Analyses”. In: Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6.3, pp. 1-29. DOI: 10.1177/25152459231162567.

Casillas, J. V., J. J. Garrido-Pozú, K. Parrish, L. Fernández Arroyo, N. Rodríguez, R. Esposito, I. Chang, K. Gómez, G. Constantin-Dureci, J. Shao, et al. (2023). “Using intonation to disambiguate meaning: The role of empathy and proficiency in L2 perceptual development”. In: Applied Psycholinguistics 44.5, pp. 913-940. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716423000310.

Carignan, C., J. V. Casillas, E. Chodroff, and G. Zellou (2022). “Editorial: Fuzzy boundaries: Ambiguity in speech production and comprehension”. In: Frontiers in Communication 7, pp. 1-3. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.1112753.

Jiménez-Crespo, M. and J. V. Casillas (2021). “Literal is not always easier: Literal and default translation, post-editing effort, and comparable corpora”. In: Translation, Cognition & Behavior 4.1, pp. 98-123. DOI:

Casillas, J. V. (2021). “Interlingual Interactions Elicit Performance Mismatches Not ‘Compromise’ Categories in Early Bilinguals: Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Coronal Stops”. In: Languages 6.9, pp. 1-20. DOI:

Lozano-Argüelles, C., L. F. Arroyo, N. Rodríguez, E. Durand, J. J. G. Pozú, J. M. Rojas, J. Varela, N. de Rocafiguera, and J. V. Casillas (2021). “Conceptually cued perceptual categorization in adult L2 learners”. In: Studies in Second Language Acquisition 43.1, pp. 204-219. DOI:

Casillas, J. V. (2020). “The longitudinal development of fine-phonetic detail: Stop production in a domestic immersion program”. In: Language Learning 70.3, pp. 768-806. DOI:

Casillas, J. V. (2020). “Phonetic category formation is perceptually driven during the early stages of adult L2 development”. In: Language and Speech 63.3, pp. 550-581. DOI:

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2020). “Slowly but surely: Interpreting facilitates L2 morphological anticipation based on suprasegmental and segmental information”. In: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23.4, pp. 752-762. DOI:

Casillas, J. V. (2019). “Semantic processing triggers cross-linguistic interference during early phonetic category development”. In: ICPhS 19. Ed. by S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain and aul Warren. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ISBN: 978-0-646-80069-1), pp. 3348-3352.

Casillas, J. V. and M. Simonet (2018). “Perceptual categorization and bilingual language modes: Assessing the double phonemic boundary in early and late bilinguals”. In: Journal of Phonetics 71, pp. 51-64. DOI:

Sagarra, N. and J. V. Casillas (2018). “Suprasegmental information cues morphological anticipation during L1/L2 lexical access”. In: Journal of Second Language Studies 1.1, pp. 31-59. DOI:

Bessett, R. M., J. V. Casillas, and M. Ramírez Martínez (2017). “Language choice and accommodation: Casual encounters in San Ysidro and Nogales”. In: Spanish in Context 14.1, pp. 78-98. DOI:

Llompart, M. and J. V. Casillas (2016). “Lexically driven selective adaptation by ambiguous auditory stimuli occurs after limited exposure to adaptors”. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139.5, pp. EL172-EL177. DOI:

Casillas, J. V. and M. Simonet (2016). “Production and perception of the English /æ/-/ɑ/ contrast in switched-dominance speakers”. In: Second Language Research 32.2, pp. 171-195. DOI:

Casillas, J. V. (2015). “Production and perception of the /i/-/ɪ/ vowel contrast: The case of L2-dominant early learners of English”. In: Phonetica 72.2-3, pp. 182-205. DOI:

Casillas, J. V., Y. Díaz, and M. Simonet (2015). “Acoustics of Spanish and English coronal stops”. In: ICPhS 18. Ed. by T. S. C. for ICPhS 2015. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. University of Glasgow: Glasgow., ISSN: 241-0669, pp. 1-5.

Simonet, M., J. V. Casillas, and Y. Díaz (2014). “The effects of stress/accent on VOT depend on language (English, Spanish), consonant (/d/, /t/) and linguistic experience (monolinguals, bilinguals)”. In: Speech Prosody 7. Ed. by N. Campbell, D. Gibbon and D. Hirst. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Trinity College, Dublin., ISSN: 2333-2042, pp. 202-206.

Casillas, J. V. (2013). “La fricativización del africado /tʃ/: actitudes lingüísticas cerca de la frontera”. In: Selected Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Ed. by A. M. Carvalho and S. Beaudrie. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project., document #2867, pp. 177-188.

Casillas, J. V. (2012). “La fricativización del africado /tʃ/ en el habla de las mujeres del sur de Arizona”. In: Divergencias: Revista de estudios lingüísticos y literarios 10.1, pp. 56-70.

Casillas, J. V. (2010). “La vibrante múltiple intervocálica: los ejercicios de canto como ayuda a su pronunciación en español”. In: La Gaceta Hispánica de Madrid VIII. ISSN: 1886-1741.

Casillas, J. V. (2009). “El uso de los refranes en El Quijote”. In: La Gaceta Hispánica de Madrid VIII. ISSN: 1886-1741.

Under review

Faytak, M., Š. Kadavá, C. Xu, O. Özsoy, P. W. Akumbu, A. Cardoso, M. Amengual, A. Arvaniti, M. Belz, D. Bevivino, et al. Big Team Science for language science: opportunities and challenges.

Colina, S. and J. V. Casillas Variation in syllabification: Onglides in Sonoran Spanish.

Andreu Rascón, I. and J. V. Casillas From Eyes to Ears: L2 visual and audio perception of Spanish vowels.

Casillas, J. V., G. Constantin-Dureci, I. Andreu Rascón, J. Shao, S. A. Rodríguez, A. Gadamsetty, A. Minetti, K. Laungani, J. Thatcher, R. T. Gardere, et al. Opening open science to all: Demystifying reproducibility and transparency practices in linguistic research.

In preparation

Garrido Pozú, J. J. and J. V. Casillas Assessing language proficiency via vocabulary size.

Rodríguez, N. and J. V. Casillas A cross-sectional look at the production of lexical stress in Spanish-English early bilingual children.

Rodríguez, N. and J. V. Casillas The perception of lexical stress in early heritage bilinguals.

Rodríguez, N. and J. V. Casillas Perceptual gains via instructional games: An examination of perception and production of lexical stress in heritage bilingual children.

Casillas, J. V., M. Simonet, and A. Aldrich Production of coronal stops in English and Spanish.

Casillas, J. V. Semantic processing affects L2 stop production in late learners.

Casillas, J. V. L1/L2 cue-weighting strategies in the perception of lexical stress.

Refereed Presentations

Roettger T., B. and J. V. Casillas (2023). Changing research culture: Toward big team speech science. The 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Prague Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic.

Andreu Rascón, I. and J. V. Casillas (2023). The impact of visual articulation on L2 perception of vowels. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Bringham Young University, Provo, UT.

Garrido-Pozú, J. J. and J. V. Casillas (2022). L2 learners’ intuitions in explicit syllabification of Spanish and English. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Online. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Sagarra, N. and J. V. Casillas (2022). Language Proficiency And Use Affect Stress-Suffix Connections Differently In Early And Late Bilinguals. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Online. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Casillas, J. V. (2022). Open Science practices and reproducible research in the classroom: A case study. Linguistic Associaition of Great Britain (LAGB) Annual Meeting. Ulster University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Casillas, J. V. (2022). Forking paths and researchers degrees of freedom: Analytic considerations in perception-production research. The 10th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (NewSounds). University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Casillas, J. V., J. J. Garrido-Pozú, N. Rodríguez, K. Parrish, L. Fernández Arroyo, R. Esposito, I. Chang, K. Gómez, G. Constantin-Dureci, J. Shao, et al. (2022). Inferring meaning from intonation: The effects of proficiency and empathy on L2 pragmatic skills. Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology (CASPSLaP), Online. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.

Casillas, J. V., J. J. Garrido-Pozú, N. Rodríguez, K. Parrish, L. Fernández Arroyo, R. Esposito, I. Chang, and K. Gómez (2021). Using intonation to disambiguate meaning: The role of empathy and proficiency in L2 perceptual development. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Online. Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.

Sagarra, N. and J. V. Casillas (2021). The effects of prosody, proficiency and working memory on L2 lexical prediction. EuroSLA, Online, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2021). The role of working memory during L2 prediction of morphology: Evidence from professional interpreters. 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC 2021), Online.

Jimémez-Crespo, M. A. and J. V. Casillas (2020). Are ‘literal translations’ always easier to process?: A process-based study of effort based on comparable corpus data. Translation in Transition: Human and Machine Aspects, Online. Kent State University, Kent, OH.

Rodríguez, N., C. Lozano-Argüelles, L. F. Arroyo, E. Durand, J. J. G. Pozu, J. M. Rojas, J. Varela, N. de Rocafiguera, and J. V. Casillas (2020). If you can believe it you can perceive it: Conceptually cueing the double phonemic boundary effect in late bilinguals. Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology (CASPSLaP), San José State University, San José, CA.

Wiseman, A. M., J. V. Casillas, M. Lacorte, and A. C. Lara (2020). How do you pull off all that intercultural stuff at home? Enhancing intercultural development in the L2 classroom in a domestic immersion environment. Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement (WISE) Conference, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., L. F. Arroyo, N. Rodríguez, E. Durand, J. J. G. Pozú, J. M. Rojas, J. Varela, N. de Rocafiguera, and J. V. Casillas (2019). Conceptually cued perceptual categorization in late bilinguals. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2019). Predicting the end: monolinguals, L2 learners and interpreters’ use of prosody to predict word endings. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.

Simonet, M. and J. V. Casillas (2019). Perceptual normalization in bilinguals and second language learner. Coloquio del Laboratorio de Adquisición del Lenguaje, Valladolid, Spain: Universidad de Valladolid, Department of English Studies.

Colina, S., J. V. Casillas, and Y. Díaz (2018). Syllabic Affiliation of Prevocalic Glides in Sonoran Spanish: Dialectal variation in syllabic affiliation. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2018). The use of lexical stress and vowel duration for morphological anticipation in L2 learners of Spanish. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2018). The time-course of verbal morphology anticipation: When interpreting experience makes a difference. International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC). Universität Branschweig, Germany.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2017). Practice makes perfect. L2 morphological anticipation in simultaneous interpreters. International Symposium on Bilingualism. University of Limerick, Ireland.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2017). The Role of Stress in Morphological Anticipation: Evidence from Interpreters. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

Sagarra, N., J. V. Casillas, and N. Rodríguez (2017). The use of stress in lexical access in early and late bilinguals. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2017). Anticipatory eye-movements in morphological prediction: Evidence from interpreters and bilinguals. Second Language Research Forum, The Ohio State University.

Sagarra, N. and J. V. Casillas (2017). Lexical stress predicts L1 and L2 morphosyntactic processing. 47th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Casillas, J. V. (2017). The longitudinal development of fine-phonetic detail: Production and perception of Spanish stops in a stateside immersion context. 47th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Casillas, J. V. (2017). Coronal stop production in Spanish heritage speakers. 4th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language. University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA.

Casillas, J. V. (2017). Crossing borders? The status and future of Spanish in the U.S.. School of Spanish Round Table, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.

Casillas, J. V. (2016). Learning to hear fine-phonetic detail: Longitudinal development of language-specific speech perception in adults. Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. Georgetown University, Washinton D.C.

Simonet, M., J. V. Casillas, and D. Osborne (2016). Second language acquisition and the double perceptual boundary effect. Sound to Word in Bilingual and Second Language Speech Perception. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

Simonet, M., J. V. Casillas, and D. Osborne (2016). Second language acquisition and the double perceptual boundary effect. Colloquium of the Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Simonet, M., J. V. Casillas, and D. Osborne (2016). Second language acquisition and the double perceptual boundary effect. Colloquium of the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Casillas, J. V., Y. Díaz, and M. Simonet (2015). Acoustics of coronal stops in Spanish-English bilingual speech. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.

Bessett, R. M., J. V. Casillas, and M. R. Martínez (2014). Language Choice and Accommodation: Casual Encounters Along the U.S. Border. 7th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.

Casillas, J. V. (2013). Perception of English /i/-/ɪ/ tense/lax vowel contrast by early learners of English. Second Language Research Forum (SRLF). Brigham Young University. Provo, Utah.

Casillas, J. V. (2013). English-dominant early Spanish-English bilinguals production and perception of English tense lax vowel contrasts. Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia. Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon. Portugal.

Casillas, J. V. (2013). La fricativización del africado /tʃ/: actitudes lingüísticas cerca de la frontera. 6th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Casillas, J. V. (2012). Los piojos, las pulgas y el canto… ¡oh my! Una segunda mirada a la teoría de Dunbar, el cotilleo y el papel de la música en la evolución del lenguage. 22nd Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Casillas, J. V. (2011). La fricativización del africado /tʃ/ en el habla de las mujeres del sur de Arizona. 21st Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Casillas, J. V. (2011). Going mental with vocabulary: the use of iDevice applications in the classroom. Spanish Heritage Language Program Share Day. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Unrefereed Presentations

Subina, M., K. Parrish, I. Andreu Rascón, G. Constantin-Dureci, J. Shao, I. Chang, A. Gadamsetty, K. Taveras, and J. V. Casillas (2023). Fostering Open Science in Linguistics. Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Taveras, K. and J. V. Casillas (2022). The Development of Intonation Perception During Second Language Acquisition: the Role of Empathy and Proficiency. Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Chang, I., K. Gómez, and J. V. Casillas (2021). Intonation acquisition in adult L2 learners of Spanish. Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Field, A. and J. V. Casillas (2020). Semantic processing effects on L2 stop production. Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Casillas, J. V. (2017). Crossing borders? The status and future of Spanish in the U.S.. School of Spanish Round Table, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.

Sagarra, N., J. V. Casillas, C. Lozano-Argüelles, F. Eriksson, J. Uscamayta, and J. Overton (2017). Using lexical stress to predict inflectional morphology. Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Poster presentations

Coretta, S., J. V. Casillas, and T. B. Roettger (2022). Research Management in “Many Analysts” Projects: Lessons From the Many Speech Analyses Project. Edinburgh Open Research Conference (poster presentation). University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Casillas, J. V. (2019). Semantic processing triggers cross-linguistic interference during early phonetic category development. The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (poster presentation).

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2018). Anticipación de morfología en hablantes de español como L2. II Congreso para profesionales de la educación bilingüe (poster presentation). Madrid, Spain.

Sagarra, N. and J. V. Casillas (2018). Prosodic cues facilitate morphological anticipation in monolinguals and bilinguals. International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (poster presentation). Universität Braunschweig, Germany.

Lozano-Argüelles, C., N. Sagarra, and J. V. Casillas (2018). Anticipation in Professional Interpreters: Predicting Morphology. Bridging Attention and Prediction (poster presentation). Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.

Sagarra, N., J. V. Casillas, C. Lozano-Argüelles, and N. Rodríguez (2017). Eye-tracking reveals bilinguals use stress to predict morphology. 11th annual Perceptual and Cognitive Science Forum. Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Martínez, M. R. and J. V. Casillas (2016). La producción de la vibrante múltiple en los estudiantes de español como lengua heredada y en los estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera. 8th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (poster presentation). University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, PR.

Casillas, J. V., Y. Díaz, and M. Simonet (2015). Acoustics of Spanish and English coronal stops. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (poster presentation). University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.

Simonet, M., J. V. Casillas, and Y. Díaz (2014). A contrastive acoustic analysis of dental and alveolar stops in Spanish and English. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (poster presentation). Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Simonet, M., J. V. Casillas, and Y. Díaz (2014). The effects of stress/accent on VOT depend on language (English, Spanish), consonant (/d/, /t/) and linguistic experience (monolinguals, bilinguals). Speech Prosody 7: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody (poster presentation). Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

Casillas, J. V. and M. Simonet (2013). English-dominant early Spanish/English bilinguals perception of English tense-lax vowel contrasts. PPLC 13: Phonetics, phonology and languages in contact: Contact varieties, multilingualism, and second language learning (poster presentation). Paris, Délégation Générale Wallonie-Bruxelles.